Eucalyptus Leaves (crushed) 10g SindibadEucalyptus Leaves (crushed) 10g Sindibad
Eucalyptus Leaves (crushed) 10g Sindibad
Eucalyptus Leaves (crushed) 10g Sindibad

Eucalyptus Leaves (crushed) 30g Sindibad

eukaliptus ciety 30 g Sindibad

Eucalyptus is an evergreen tree that’s widely used for its medicinal properties.

It has a gum-infused bark, long stems, and circular leaves that are hard to digest if eaten whole. However, eucalyptus leaves can be made into a tea that’s safe for consumption.

Additionally, the leaves can be made into essential oil for topical use or inhalation.

Eucalyptus leaves:

  • Are high in antioxidants
  • May relieve cold symptoms
  • May treat dry skin
  • May reduce pain
  • May promote relaxation
  • Can help keep your teeth healthy
  • Can act as a natural insect repellent



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